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 Immunization and Physical State Mandated Requirements

All students are required to provide proof of up-to-date immunizations in accordance with Massachusetts law.  No unimmunized student shall be admitted to, or be allowed to remain in, school unless they can satisfy these requirements:

1. A medical exemption is allowed if a health care provider submits documentation to school that an immunization is medically contraindicated; or

2.  A religious exemption is allowed if a parent/guardian submits a signed statement to school stating that a vaccine is against sincerely held religious beliefs.

Medical exemptions MUST be renewed annually and religious exemptions should be renewed annually at the start of the school year

The school is required to have proof of a physical exam every three to four years and for all new students.  High school students need to have a copy of a physical examination (completed after their 16th birthday) on file at the school.  A current physical is required to try out for any sport.

NEW – Meningococcal Requirements

  2 doses; second dose MenACWY (formerly MCV4) must be given on or after the 16th birthday and ≥ 8 weeks after the previous dose. 1 dose is acceptable if it was given on or after the 16th birthday. Meningococcal B vaccine is not required and does not meet this requirement.    The updated table of immunization requirements for the upcoming school year can be found at:   

Influenza Recommendation  

1 dose; seasonal influenza vaccine for the current flu season is recommended to be received annually.   

“Every year, thousands of people of all ages are affected by influenza, leading to many hospitalizations and deaths,” said Dr. Larry Madoff, Medical Director, DPH’s Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences. “It is more important now than ever to get a flu vaccine because flu symptoms are very similar to those of COVID-19 and preventing the flu will save lives and preserve healthcare resources.”  

DPH strongly recommends that everyone age six months and older receive their seasonal flu vaccine each year.